View today's November 12 Hometown Helena with from updates from the Montana National Guard, local nonprofit community, and other community members!
View Hometown Helena's November 12, 2020 gathering: x3tR0iL&
Courtesy of AZ Technology Services!
Today's Guest:
- General Quinn will present on their COVID related work
- Liz Moore, Executive Director of the Montana Nonprofits Association
- Mary Rutherford, Executive Director of the Montana Community Foundation
Notes/Chat from today's, November 12, 2020, Hometown Helena:
Note: This chat is abridged and personal contacts have been removed. Contact us at Contact(at) for the full script of chat.
Emily McVey-United Way: The United Way is just wrapping up Backpacks for the Homeless,
Emily McVey-United Way: The United Way is just wrapping up Backpacks for the Homeless,
we have a few backpacks left and warm supplies to give away to those in need. We are getting
started on our Veteran's Christmas Drive collecting gifts for veterans and the Joining Community
Forces Christmas Party that will happen somewhat virtually on Dec. 17.
Mike Rooney: And some quick good news/bad news from Downtown Helena as well [light parade alternative canceled]
kgallagher: St. Peter's would like to provide a quick update on the healthcare system and
Cindy Parry: Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for volunteers to help kids in the area.
We're working virtually to keep everyone safe. Call BBBS 442-7479 or you can contact me and
I'll get you to the right person!
Emily Frazier:
Patty White: Helena Food Share Turkey Challenge is going virtual this year. The community
can make online donations to purchase holiday meals for our neighbors in need. Virtual and
media events on Nov 20.
Emily McVey-United Way: The Community Christmas Sharing flier is on the United Way
Facebook page. For people that need help with meals or gifts for the holidays.
Rick Hays: signing up online for the Turkey Challenge is really fast and easy to do! A great
cause with a huge need, obviously!
Cindy Parry: Bruce - thanks for the word on the turkey challenge! Just made the donation.
[Commissioner] Sean Logan: Mr. Day, I remember this spring there being some traffic issues around Helena Food Share events that the City helped out with. Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can
help again. Sean
Theresa Ortega: Good Samaritan Ministry's Adopt-A-Family program is up to provide
Christmas for families in need. If you or your business would like to adopt a family, please call
Ara at Good Sam Ministries (442-0780) to be matched with a family in need this year.
Hugh Mc Whorter: Stephen mason update on Dr. Tom Weiner situation please
[ST Pete's on current COVID crisis] kgallagher:
Rick Hays: Katie G, great summary of your overwhelming challenges at our community
healthcare facility. Thanks for passing it along!
[ST Pete's re above request]kgallagher:
Hugh Mc Whorter: I would encourage both Stephen and kgallagher to read the Tom Weiner
Face Book page
John Moore: Folks can apply for assistance at
Stephen Mason - St. Peter's Foundation: Thank you Brig. Gen. Quinn. Thank you for your
Liz Moore: Thank you General Quinn.
Rebecca Meyers: I have to hop off to get to another meeting. Great info this morning. Thank
you everyone.
Stephen Mason - St. Peter's Foundation: The MNA has served as an incredible resource for
me personally and my fundraising colleagues across the State.
Hugh Mc Whorter: Liz Moore ever consider running for political office?
Liz Moore: Thank you Stephen and Hugh. No…no office in my future! I love my work and
feel so blessed.
Hugh Mc Whorter: darn. let me know if you change your mind
js: Please consider it, Liz…
Liz Moore: Bravo Mary.
Stephen Mason - St. Peter's Foundation: Mary and MCF are great and make a tremendous
difference lifting us all!
Liz Moore: Mary, you and MCF are a Montana treasure.
Cindy Parry: Thank you, Mary!
annwaickman: Mary and Liz - you are both amazing leaders. Thank you!
Theresa Ortega: Than you ladies
Mary Rutherford, Montana Community Foundation:
Bruce Day Helena Food Share: thank you Mary and Liz. Nice hearing from you both.
Cindy Parry: Thank you both. Liz and Mary, we appreciate all the opportunities we've had to
work with you. Helena, and MT is lucky to have you both care about us!
Liz Moore: MNA is Supporting a strong nonprofit community is front and
center for us every day.
Matt Elsaesser, 406 Recycling/Compost: Just a technology reminder for Hometown Helena.
If you don't receive an email on Tuesday afternoon ahead of our Thursday meetings, please
check your spam email and let us know through Thanks!
Liz Moore: Jim, great to see you. Thank you.
John Moore: Once again, condolences to family and friends of Brian Kahn
Sean Logan: Snowplowing concerns can be addressed here as well; 1. My Helena App 2.
Call 406-447-15663. Email citystreetsdivision(at)
Sara Medley: thank you Jim for your kind leadership
Cindy Parry: Everyone - please stay safe and stay well. Enjoy Thanksgiving and keep those
you love close.