Highlights and Recording of Today's Hometown Helena with St. Peter's Health, East Helena Schools Superintendent, and Community Updates!
Recording of Today's Program:
*Hosting and recording courtesy of Anderson ZurMuehlen Technology Services!
"Hero" tribute by St. Peter's Health:
HomeTown Helena Meeting Chat -- 3.11.2021
Anderson ZurMuehlen Technology Services, a division of Anderson ZurMuehlen,
is pleased to host today’s HomeTown Helena Zoom meeting
Rick Hays: Thanks, AZ Technology!!
Anthony Perpignano: Dan congrats, you are a wonderful guy and have enjoyed
working with you and Ron over the years! Tony
John Cech: Congratulations, Dan! You will do a wonderful job!
Kelly Cresswell: Congratulations, Dan! The students of East Helena are fortunate to
have your continued leadership. Best wishes to Ron in his much-deserved retirement!
Anthony Perpignano: typical Ron always multi-tasking HA, Ha
Rick Hays: Congrats Ron on a wonderful career and best of luck to Dan who will do a
tremendous job for kids in E Helena!!
kmeyer: Congrats Dan. You were my kids’ favorite High School English teacher.
You will do well. Happy for the East Helena Community.
Mary Rutherford (she/her) MT Community Foundation: mtcf.org for scholarships -
~$500k will be awarded! Thanks!
Peter Strauss: Mary - Could you send some details to my email
petetheskier@gmail.com I will get info out across the state.
Emily Frazier: www.greaterhelenagives.org 

Peter Strauss: GD Ski Patrol will be participating Emily! Thank you
Gabrielle Rowley: The Helena Area Summer Jobs Program is currently recruiting
students (ages 16-19) for our Earn Learn opportunities. We are also looking for
volunteer mentors who are willing to meet with students a few times during the summer
and support their work skills development. If you would like to be a mentor, or if you
know students interested in learning job skills/career options, please visit
https://www.americanjobs4youth.org/hsjp. Thank you! You're also welcome to email
me at gerowley (at)americanjobs4youth.org
Emily Frazier: We’re still looking for Sponsors and Businesses who would like to
host a fundraiser within their organization!
Emily Frazier: emilyf (at) helenaareacommunityfoundation.org if anyone has
questions, etc.
Matt Elsaesser: G0 SAINTS!!!
Tom Rolfe: Congratulations to Dan! I assume you are going to add yodeling classes
to the curriculum.
Dan Rispens: Ha ha thanks Tom. Getting more and more difficult to find those
yodeling teachers and we lost a great one a couple weeks ago for sure!
Lee Holmes: Congratulations Dan. What a great choice and I know East Helena
Schools are in good hands. I suppose you won't have much time for the Tour Train in
the summer......or maybe you will. Anyhow, we at the Tour Train are very pleased with
your appointment.
Katie Gallagher: Here is the link to the meal train. Support restaurants, fuel
Emily Frazier: HACF is planning to sign up for a night, Katie!
Emily Frazier: Thanks for offering this service to our community.
Rick Hays: Thanks St. Pete’s for the wonderful vaccine experience my wife and I had
earlier this week at your site. It couldn’t have gone better! Thank you!!
Kelly Cresswell: The billing improvements are wonderful! It's greatly streamlined and
so much simpler. Thanks for taking care of this!
John Cech: Thanks, Wade and St. Pete's! We appreciate our educational
partnerships with you!
Peter Strauss: Great Divide Ski Patrol also appreciates the opportunity to work
with the SPH Ambulance crews and the support they provide to us to help keep
everyone safe on the hill! What a great partner!
Hugh Mc Whorter: a testimonial book re: Dr. Weiner's unquestionable professionalism
has been put together and distributed to all members of St Peters BOD. If you see a
BOD member inquire as to whether they have read their copy, assembled by some of
the 4,000 faithful followers of We Stand With Dr. Tom Weiner has on Facebook.
Katie Gallagher: https://www.ivantageindex.com/top-performing-hospitals/
Kyle Moore: Thanks for having me everyone! I have to go see a patient now, best of
luck to all! Thanks for the work you do in our community.
Katie Gallagher: Best way to reach him: 457-4180 and just ask for his office!
Bill Avey: Good to see everyone this morning! take care all...
Katie Gallagher: HERO VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NoZ5mp-JPc
Peter Strauss: Thanks Mr. Mayor and HTH crew. Look forward to seeing you live
again - hopefully soon!
John Cech: Congratulations Sheriff!
Peter Strauss: Congrats Sherriff!
Sara Medley: Thank you Sheriff Dutton and your incredible leadership.
Mike Mergenthaler: Helena Chamber Leadership Perspectives register at
Featuring: Coach Van Diest on Tuesday March 16 9 am https://carrollathletics.com/
rhondasafford: Thank you!