Hometown Helena, July 8th, Live via ZOOM: Affordable Housing

View today's Hometown Helena with community update and a panel on the housing affordability crisis in the Helena area courtesy of Anderson ZurMuehlen Technology Services:

https://azworld.zoom.us/rec/share/vSP2AHeIUW9Ei7GEGYfFzM0XdirpFt5yT08bi_yxeczEF3la-YFa9F0LDjqQp5LH.TcGPz06hYtCs5WN5 Passcode: .GN9=S^r

Affordable Housing in Helena -- Panel Including:

    • United Way of the Lewis & Clark Area,  Greater Helena Housing First -- Emily McVey and Jeff Buscher

    • Good Samaritan & Our Place - Theresa Ortega and Team

    • Rocky Mountain Development Council - Liz Mogstad

    • Helena Housing Authority - Michael O'Neil

HomeTown Helena Chat, July 8, 2021

Anderson ZurMuehlen Technology Services, a division of Anderson ZurMuehlen 
is pleased to host today’s HomeTown Helena.

Andy Shirtliff: Thanks for taking the reins, Emily!

Matt Elsaesser -- 406 Recycling: If anyone is not receiving the notifications for Hometown,

please check your spam folder and add "Contact@HometownHelena.news" to your contact list.

Andy Shirtliff: The Grandstreet outdoor stage looks great, Kal

Kal Poole: Photos from Godspell https://www.google.com/amp/s/helenair.com/photos-godspell-at-new-hill-park-stage/collection_894d2579-801f-5da5-859b-4deaa33da048.amp.html

Kal Poole: Tickets for Grandstreet


Matt Elsaesser -- 406 Recycling: "Every three years, ServeMontana conducts an anonymous Community Needs Assessment to help identify the most pressing needs of Montana’s communities. Your response to this survey helps us craft the 2022-2024 State Service Plan, which guides the path of service in our state for the next three years."  https://serve.mt.gov/ServeMontana/state-service-plan

Theresa Ortega: Ryan Lehman

Theresa Ortega: Street Outreach Coordinator

Theresa Ortega: 406-202-8152

Theresa Ortega: ryan(at)goodsamministries.org

Beki Brandborg: Emily and Ryan, How much land or space do you need for the HOTS program?

Theresa Ortega: Theresa said that she will contact you to speak further...

dennistaylor: Emily, great job as moderator this morning!

John Cech: I have to run to another meeting - thanks for this excellent presentation and discussion today!

Eric Feaver: Excellent program. Need more of this as the year moves along. So much to learn.