Hometown Helena December 9th: Helena High Orchestra and Holiday Giving

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HomeTown Helena Chat 12.9.2021
Anderson ZurMuehlen Technology Services, a division of Anderson ZurMuehlen 
is pleased to host today’s HomeTown Helena

America's Mayor Jim Smith: Hohoho….

Emily Frazier: What beautiful music!

Kellie McBride, Lewis and Clark County Criminal Justice Services: Helena is so lucky to have Zach Harris leading our High School Orchestras. Wow!

Cindy Parry and Peter Strauss: What a great way to start! - Thank you Jim, kids in the orchestra, Zach Harris and whoever coordinated everything for us. What a treat!

Luke Muszkiewicz: Beautiful! So proud of these young musicians and their outstanding teacher, Mr. Harris!

Sean Logan: Wow!

Josh Clement: Mackenzie Grotbo is impressive on her electric violin.

Kal Poole: No kidding!!

Tom Rolfe: Can't think of a better way to start the day and get us all in the Holliday spirit!

Shawn White Wolf: Awesome! Thank You Capital High School Orchestra!

Kara Nelson: Bravo bravo bravo to all! SO many thanks!

Emily McVey United Way: That was really great! Thank you!

Stephen Mason - St. Peter's Foundation: Beautiful music. Very talented student musicians!

Brandy Keely: Thank you, such beautiful music by such talented musicians.

Stephen Mason - St. Peter's Foundation: Thank you Rick!

Luke Muszkiewicz: Thank you so much, Rick and Matt.

Nick Gevock: Learn more about Jack and our campaign at: www.ballardformontana.com

Rex Weltz: Thank you all for having our students and Mr. Harris perform this morning. Yes I am proud of them! I need to jump out for another meeting. Take care and Happy Holidays.

Molly W: Stephen Mason—Can you update us on the new oncologist hired at St. Peter’s?

Nick Gevock: You can also learn more about Jack at www.jackballard.com

Sheriff Dutton: Please come to Vans Thriftway on December 17 9-12 to support the Salvation
Army kettle Ring Off. Friday is my office’s day to compete with Helena Fire.

Cindy Parry and Peter Strauss: Tell us more about the composting service Matt. Do you pick up food waste, or just deliver?

Matt Elsaesser -- 406 Recycling/406 Compost: 406 Compost provides food waste collection
for residents and businesses. images and details at 406Compost.com

Matt Elsaesser -- 406 Recycling/406 Compost: for most residents, we provide a five gallon
bucket that we exchange at their door every other week. some customers have two buckets for
larger households. We collect all food scraps including grease, meat, and bones

Cindy Parry and Peter Strauss: Thanks Matt - I'll check it out.

Stephen Mason - St. Peter's Foundation: Want to recognize a few major donors who are funding our $1.87 million Gold Standard for Cancer Care projects that includes our beautifully renovated Cancer Care facility along with purchase of over $600,000 in cancer patient related medical equipment. Shout out to the Sunderland Foundation, the Murdock Trust, Opportunity Bank, The Treacy Foundation, Marilyn Hudson, Capital High Volleyball Program, Browning, Kaleczyc, Berry & Hoven, P.C, Dee and Mike Trombetta and many more. We are very grateful here at St. Peter's Health Foundation! More formal public unveiling and celebration of the donors will be scheduled in the new year.

Kal Poole: Tickets are available for Grandstreet Theatre’s production of Beauty and the Beast JR. at the Helena Civic Center playing now through Dec. 12 https://grandstreettheatre.com/production/disneys-beauty-and-the-beast-jr/

Sheriff Dutton: Sure!!!!!!!

Sheriff Dutton: I’ll be back next week, or late Friday Night. Thanks, you a great leader.

Sean Logan: https://beheardhelena.com/

Josh Clement: Teagan with 214 is already at school

Sean Logan: We will be welcoming our newly elected commissioners Melinda Reed and Eric Feaver on Dec. 30th at a swearing-in ceremony. Not certain of the time, but stay tuned.

Luke Muszkiewicz: I can vouch for the quality of these trees!

Cindy Parry and Peter Strauss: We get our Christmas tree every year from the Boy Scouts lot. Always fun and the guys are very helpful and willing to help us figure out which tree we need after wandering aimlessly through the whole lot!

Riley Kurtz: Thanks Cory!!

Rachel Harlow-Schalk: I neglected to tip my hat to Commissioner Logan for posting the link to BeHeardHelena.com

Sean Logan: No worries. It's a team effort!

Doug Wheeler-Scouts: You can sign up for Christmas Tree pickup at http://troop214.square.site. Thank you!

Cindy Parry and Peter Strauss: Thanks Doug!

Doug Wheeler-Scouts: I’m sorry, make that http://troop214helena.square.site

Brandy Keely: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508094eadaa28a2f58-adopt4

Doug Wheeler-Scouts: The Christmas Tree lot is at the L & C Fairgrounds, next to the rodeo grounds. You can find out more about days and hours open on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/helenatroop207/

Emily Frazier: Tickets for the Helena Holiday Cruise are on sale! Don’t miss out on Helena’s newest holiday tradition! www.helenaareacommunityfoundation.org/HHC

Brandy Keely: Please feel free to contact me with any questions at bkeely@carroll.edu or at (406) 447-4550. Thanks again for your time. Happy Holiday, Brandy Keely

Rick Hays: Helena Holiday Cruise was great fun last year and I’m sure this one will be as much fun, if not more. Check it out next weekend.

Emily Frazier: Thanks Rick! The map is twice as amazing this year! I can’t wait!

Val.Mattfeldt: Volunteer Bellringing Link: https://volunteer.usawest.org/OpportunityDetail.aspx?ID=6329

Kelly Cresswell: Good info, Emily!

Gabrielle Rowley (she/her): Thank you, everyone! What a wonderful and informative program for this time of year.

Jack Ballard: Thanks for hearing from me. It’s great to hear from people who are making such
a positive difference in your community. Happy Holidays!

Andy Shirtliff: The Holiday Cruise is a must! � ��

Brandy Keely: Thanks to everyone for your time this morning. Have a great day!

Cindy Parry and Peter Strauss: Thanks everyone - a great show and wonderful to hear about all the support for Helena!

Luke Muszkiewicz: Happy holidays, everyone! Thank you for supporting your Helena Public