Hometown Helena April 28th with Office of County Attorney, Leo Gallagher
Hometown Helena -- Thursday, April 28th, 7 a.m. -- Live via ZOOM hosted by AZ Technology Services:
- This week: Office of County Attorney, Leo Gallagher
Coverage in the Helena Independent Record: https://helenair.com/news/local/lewis-and-clark-county-attorney-gallagher-offers-advice-as-retirement-nears/article_745b5672-4e0e-5b73-846b-3a6c16849a33.html - View recording of this hybrid meeting courtesy of AZ Technology Services:
https://azworld.zoom.us/rec/share/ xrTs66kPOjXbOiDVaksvtL5MSsfeL8 lPcue8NpR56UDwjoFLRrhP5- UUTTgsMK1E.DlLsyEkVWw82az28
Passcode: 5FM2*5ZY
HomeTown Helena Chat April 28, 2022
Anderson ZurMuehlen is please to host today’s HomeTown Helena
Mary Ann Dunwell: Zoom Applause
Mary Ann Dunwell: We can't hear the speakers. Is there any way they can come up closer to the mike? thank you
Mary Ann Dunwell: Perfect
Melinda Reed: Thank you for making the hybrid format work - it's greatly appreciated by those of us getting kids ready for school!
Mary Ann Dunwell: Greaterhelena.org
Mary Ann Dunwell: That previous website was wrong apparently. I'm sorry only hearing part….I think it was greaterhelenagives.org
Mary Ann Dunwell: Perfect
Melinda Reed: Thank you for making the hybrid format work - it's greatly appreciated by those of us getting kids ready for school!
Mary Ann Dunwell: Greaterhelena.org
Mary Ann Dunwell: That previous website was wrong apparently. I'm sorry only hearing part….I think it was greaterhelenagives.org
Chris & Shelly: Zoom audience can hear Mary Ann at good volume
Moneil: I wanted to draw your attention to this April 21st Washington Post article regarding rising rents across the country during the COVID pandemic . You can look up rent price estimates for rentals in counties with at least 1000 units. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/interactive/2022/rising-rent-prices/Please note that Lewis and Clark County, MT is among the highest percentage rent increase growth counties in the whole country at a 36.5% increase. Other Montana counties show big spikes in rent increases as well-Missoula County -18.8% increaseGallatin County-18.6%Yellowstone-14.7%
Mary Ann Dunwell: Thank you for this news article. It's shocking and not surprising the 36% rent hike in L&C. We need an all hands on deck comprehensive open-minded
Upcoming Hometown Helena Meetings:
- Regular Hometown Helena gatherings are currently on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. Additional meetings will be announced as scheduled.
- In-person AND online. Hometown is returning to the sixth floor of the Montana Club while keeping an online Hybrid Zoom option courtesy of A-Z Technology Services. (use the link at the top of this page to receive email invites with the ZOOM link.)
- May 12th & 26th; June 9th & 23rd
Message from our host Jim Smith:
Greetings Everyone,
We had a great visit to the new Shodair Hospital last week. Attached is the fact sheet/handout that the Alana Listoe prepared for our visit[SEE PREVIOUS HTH POST]. I’ve tried not load up this weekly message with attachments, but am making an exception in this case simply because Shodair is so very exceptional. Please take a look-see at this information. And be thankful that this fine institution is in Helena, Montana. What came across to me—and maybe everyone else—is how committed the people involved are to the success of this project; and to the improved children’s psychiatric services that Shodair will provide at the new hospital. This includes, first and foremost, the Shodair Board of Directors, who made the critical decision to proceed just as the pandemic was unfolding across the country. That was a courageous decision, in the midst of a great deal of uncertainty. It includes the project managers at SMA Architects, Dick Anderson Construction. It certainly includes the financing through Valley Bank. It includes many, many community partners from all over Montana.
I thought that most profound words of all were spoken by Shodair’s CEO, Craig Aasved who said this to us at the beginning of the tour:
“The children of Montana deserve this facility.”
Meanwhile, we are back at the Montana Club this week for an overview of the Office of County Attorney, by Leo Gallagher. This will be a very interesting and educational presentation. You are welcome to join us on the 6th floor of the Montana Club this Thursday morning at 7am….or you are welcome to zoom into the meeting from the comfort of your own home. Either way OK.
We had a great visit to the new Shodair Hospital last week. Attached is the fact sheet/handout that the Alana Listoe prepared for our visit[SEE PREVIOUS HTH POST]. I’ve tried not load up this weekly message with attachments, but am making an exception in this case simply because Shodair is so very exceptional. Please take a look-see at this information. And be thankful that this fine institution is in Helena, Montana. What came across to me—and maybe everyone else—is how committed the people involved are to the success of this project; and to the improved children’s psychiatric services that Shodair will provide at the new hospital. This includes, first and foremost, the Shodair Board of Directors, who made the critical decision to proceed just as the pandemic was unfolding across the country. That was a courageous decision, in the midst of a great deal of uncertainty. It includes the project managers at SMA Architects, Dick Anderson Construction. It certainly includes the financing through Valley Bank. It includes many, many community partners from all over Montana.
I thought that most profound words of all were spoken by Shodair’s CEO, Craig Aasved who said this to us at the beginning of the tour:
“The children of Montana deserve this facility.”
Meanwhile, we are back at the Montana Club this week for an overview of the Office of County Attorney, by Leo Gallagher. This will be a very interesting and educational presentation. You are welcome to join us on the 6th floor of the Montana Club this Thursday morning at 7am….or you are welcome to zoom into the meeting from the comfort of your own home. Either way OK.
I met a young mother over the weekend who told me she zooms into Hometown Helena while she is feeding her children breakfast, getting them ready for school, and herself ready for work. I said: “Great, that’s exactly what we were hoping would happen when we started zooming Hometown.” And, that is why we want to keep zooming these meetings,
and offer this hybrid Hometown Helena option for everyone. So, c’mon up to the 6th floor of the Montana Club, or zoom in from home.
Either way, we’ll hope yo see you Thursday morning,
Jim Smith
and offer this hybrid Hometown Helena option for everyone. So, c’mon up to the 6th floor of the Montana Club, or zoom in from home.
Either way, we’ll hope yo see you Thursday morning,
Jim Smith