April 22: Earth Day with Local Recyclers & West Mont

Today's Hometown Helena had a great community discussion including candidate introductions (city commission and school board!), Earth Day presentation, and an update on supported employment from West Mont. The recording and chat from today's program follow. 

Recording of Thursday's, April 22nd Program: Earth Day with Local Recyclers & West Mont

Click here to view today's Hometown Helena with 406 Recycling, Helena Recycling, West Mont, and other community discussions.     Passcode: @9c+VBdb

Closing slide by 406 Recycling and 406 Compost showing their team, volunteers, and recent guest during Earth Day update on recycling, compost, and reducing waste on Earth Day 51!
This week's April 22th Earth Day program:

  • Brandon Powell, Assistant Program Manager for West Mont's Supported Employment Dept.   There are many benefits to hiring individuals with disabilities. Brandon will talk about those benefits. He is also happy to meet with businesses to discuss how the organization can help your business. Learn more at https://westmonthelena.com/
  • John Hilton, Owner, Helena Recycling.  Helena Recycling, 2020 Small Business of the Year by the Helena Chamber. John will discuss the challenges and opportunities of recycling including growing curbside markets, and their new Eco Safe shredding business. Learn more here at https://www.helenarecycling.com/
  • 406 Recycling, Matt Elsaesser & Chelsea Paschall, will present on the dynamics of providing data-secure electronics recycling, event recycling, and 406 Compost's collection of food waste and other compostables. Learn more at https://406recycling.com/

HomeTown Helena Chat 4.22.21

Anderson ZurMuehlen Technology Services, a division of Anderson ZurMuehlen is pleased to host today's HomeTown Helena Zoom Meeting

Ann Brodsky: There’s another city commission candidate present, Melissa Reed. Perhaps she should be given an opportunity to introduce herself.

Janet Armstrong: Thanks for having me this morning! You can contact me via https://www.facebook.com/armstrong4helenaschools

Matt Elsaesser: A message to Hometown from Rep. Julie Dooling:
this is an appropriate news article to share in honor of Earth Day.  My friend works closely with the founder of this non-profit, Curtis Shuck and we chatted in great detail about the program when she came to our branding a couple of weeks ago.  It is all very fascinating! 


Rep. Julie Dooling
Montana House of Representatives
House District 70

Peter Strauss: Congratulations, Marshall. We and the parks will miss you! Travel safe and please do keep joining us!

Rick Hays: Marshall, you have been a huge contributor to Hometown and Helena and your contributions are greatly appreciated and certainly missed! All the best to you and Elaine back East!!

Bruce Whittenberg: Safe travels, Marshall. It’s been an honor to know you.

Luci Dutton: Marshall, may the good Lord bless you and keep your family safe as you move to the east coast. Thanks for all the volunteer work and involvement in the Helena community.

Sean Logan: A handy place to keep up on all public meetings held by the City of Helena https://www.helenamt.gov/home/calendar

Kal Poole: Just a question for the recyclers - what are the most common items that people try to recycle that are a pain in the butt for you?

Peter Strauss: Hey - Congratulations to John Hilton and Helena Recycling for being recognized as the small business of the year by the Helena Chamber

Ann Brodsky: Helena is sending to Momentum in SLC also now

Ann Brodsky: Not to landfill anymore

Ann Brodsky: City storing glass now, needs certain quantity to ship to Momentum, but when it reaches that amount it will ship, about once/ month

Liz Campbell: Any plans to not charge for recycling and instead raise the price for those that don’t recycle (garbage service).

Ann Brodsky: The city passed a waste reduction resolution, which includes a directive to look at finance structure when less is going to landfill

Janet Armstrong: Thanks again everyone. If you are interested in seeing what I am learning with each school connection please follow my posts at https://www.facebook.com/armstrong4helenaschools