Hometown Helena, November 3.: Addressing hunger and nutrition in Helena
Hometown Helena -- Thursday, November 3, 7 a.m. @ The Montana Club & Live via ZOOM hosted by AZ Technology Services:
- Chloe Lundquist, SNAP-Ed Instructor Montana State University Extension
- Kimberly Lloyd, Harvest of the Month Community Coordinator St. Peter’s Health
- Bruce Day, Executive Director Helena Food Share
- Click below to watch this week's episode!
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Message from out host Jim Smith:
November 2, 2022
Greetings Everyone,
We’re on the home stretch of the 2022 mid-term elections. Many the hearts that are broken on election night. Every election has a winner and a non-winner. Winning and losing comes with the territory. People understand that in an intellectual sort of way right from the start. But as the campaigns evolve, as issues arise and differences emerge, candidates and supporters cannot help but become emotionally involved in the race. So there is always disappointment—as well as happiness--on election night. I guess it’s enough to wish them well. And to thank all the candidates for the courage, tenacity and discipline it takes to seek elected office here in Lewis and Clark County, Montana. I was surprised last week to learn that nearly 80% of the registered votes in L&C requested and will vote by absentee ballot. Call me an old fashioned guy, which I am; but I’m going to vote in person at Hunter’s Pointe on November 8th. So, here’s one last ’Thank You’ to the election judges, poll workers, poll watchers and all the volunteers who help with our local elections. And to the elected officials who administer them competently.
Jim Smith