Hometown Helena Thursday, January 16th: Library Teen Advisory Board, Leadership Montana

Hometown Helena this Thursday, January 16th: Library Teen Advisory Board, Leadership Montana

January 14, 2025

Hey Y’all,

It looks like we might slip under the cold snap this week at Hometown Helena. Very cold air is expected to come down from the north, and hit Helena later Thursday or Friday; and to stay at or below zero all weekend. No need to say too much, but please take the usual Montana precautions: check your water pipes at home and the antifreeze in your automobiles' radiators. Bring in extra firewood, and do your shopping early this week. Remember the classic North Dakota winter weather advisory: Stay Home.

But assuming the nice weather holds, please c’mon down to Helena College Thursday morning, or Zoom in, for another fine Hometown Helena. We’re going to lead off with a discussion with Emmon Rogers and the Lewis and Clark Library’s Teen Advisory Group. Ms. Rogers has assembled a diverse group of ‘Library Teens’ from Helena and Capital and the Home School community to advise her and the staff on content (books, music, DVDs, etc.) and presentations that appeal to high school students in this Information Age. We adults often wonder what today’s youth are thinking about. Here’s a great chance to gain some insight into that question.

We’ll follow with a presentation by Kelly Heaton, the Executive Director of Leadership Montana. Kelly is from Red Lodge, and is in her second year as Leadership Montana's CEO. Hometown’s annual sit down with Leadership Montana is getting to be a fine tradition. Here’s a link to the Leadership Montana website.

Just so you know, applications are currently being accepted for the next class, which will start in the fall. Check it out! 


Leadership Montana's mission is to develop leaders committed to building a better Montana through knowledge, collaboration, and civility. Bruce Whittenberg, former Editor of the Independent Record and Director of the Montana Historical Society, was the first CEO of Leadership Montana, way back in the early 2000's. 

Leadership Montana is on the cusp of having 1,000 alumni statewide. Members of the Flagship class hail from all corners of Montana, and represent a variety of industries and organizations, from state and local government, to the nonprofit sector, to finance, agriculture, architecture, oil and gas development, insurance, and so much more. There are a number of alumni who are Hometown regulars (Tom McGree, Peter Strauss, Mary Rutherford, Kelly Cresswell, and others).  Lynn Voss and Gabrielle Eklund-Rowley, who attend Hometown as they are able, are both in this year's class.

We used to have a coffee table photo book at home called simply “We Montanans.’ That was a phrase I used to hear more frequently than I do nowadays. Conversations would often begin with: We Montanans think…or We Montanans believe…or We Montanans feel that… And then on to the subject at hand, whatever it was. It’s never been easy to sum up the sentiment of this entire, vast, diverse state. And it’s not getting any easier as our population increases and folks from all over are drawn to Montana to make their home and seek their fortunes.

"The bonds of affection" is a phrase used by Abraham Lincoln in his First Inaugural Address, where he implores the nation to not let passionate disagreements break the ties of friendship and unity that bind the country together. 

Leadership Montana has strengthened the ‘bonds of affection’ between us for many years now. What comity and civility we still have in Montana is a testament to the good work of Leadership Montana and its nearly 1000 graduates.

Hope to see you Thursday morning, from 7-8 am at Helena College, or on the Zoom courtesy of Aja Rail and her colleagues at Pinion Global, Inc.

Jim Smith


January 23

  • School Administrators of Montana - Rob Watson

  • MT School Insurance Alliance - John Doran

January 30

  • SMA, Slate, Mosaic Architects

February 6

  • C-PACE - Commercial Property-Assessed Capital Enhancements

  • MBAC - Montana Business Assistance Connection

February 13

  • Carroll College Theater preview

  • Small Biz Panel

    • Callie Aschim

    • Dave Simkins

    • Lasso the Moon

February 20

  • Air quality

    • USDA Forest Service

    • DPHHS

February 27

  • Montana Club

  • Aspen Adult Services

Announcement period is from 7:00 to 7:15.

Please limit announcements and comments to 2 minutes.

Hometown Helena - Thursday, January 16th, 7 a.m. @ Helena College & Live via ZOOM hosted by Pinion:

  • Emmon Rogers, Teen Services Librarian - Lewis & Clark Public Library

  • Kelly Heaton, Executive Director - Leadership Montana

  • Online Meeting Instructions: Please keep your phone or microphone muted during the meeting and note that your camera may be on depending on your ZOOM settings. Please "raise your hand" at the start of the meeting if you will have an opening update or introduction.

  • In-Person Announcements: Please plan on approaching the front of the room to make announcements directly to our host so online attendees can hear. There is time at the beginning of the meeting for announcements. Please limit announcements and comments to 2 minutes.

  • View Program Recording: Hometown Helena is recorded and posted at HometownHelena.news, typically within a day.

  • Hometown Email List: This private email list is not shared. You can join or update your email information at HometownHelena.news or by clicking the button below.

The Hometown Helena Team is Jim Smith, Rick Hays, Kelly Cresswell, Emily McVey, Tom McGree, Peter Strauss, Ann Waickman, Haley McKnight and Matt Elsaesser

