Hometown Helena Thursday, January 9th: Helena Citizens Council, Transportation

Hometown Helena this Thursday, January 9th: Helena Citizens Council, Transportation

January 7, 2025

Hey Y’all,

Happy New Year one & all. May the year bring you and yours good health, and joy in your lives. Hope your holidays were relaxing and peaceful.

The year is already off and running. For MSU fans last night was a heartbreaker. The Bobcats struggled the first half, but rallied for the second half and almost sent the Bison back to Fargo empty handed for once.  My son, an MSU graduate,  was in the stands in Frisco & says it was a great game, even with the disappointing final score. It was very close.

And the 69th Montana Legislative session got underway yesterday with a swearing in ceremony, pledges to do the people’s’ work, and promises to work together in a bipartisan way to achieve positive outcomes for all Montanans. We wish the Legislature well this winter.

At Hometown Helena we’re getting back to basics this week with some very Helena-centric discussions. First up will be Ben Kuiper with an update from the Helena Citizens Council (HCC). The HCC, an elected body, is established in the City Charter to advise the City Commission on all matters, especially the city budget. While the city commissioners are elected ‘at large’ the members of the HCC are elected from Helena’s diverse neighborhoods. It makes for a nice balance and a good communications loop between the two elected bodies.

Julia Gustafson, Chair of the Parking Advisory Commission and Alysia Ryan, Executive Director of the Business Improvement District (BID) will join us for an update on transportation issues in the downtown area. We’ll get an update from Alysia and Julia on the BID, on snow plowing and snow removal, parking, the notion of a roundabout at mini malfunction junction, and non-motorized transportation issues.

We hope to see you from 7-8 am this Thursday morning at Helena College. Or via the Zoom, courtesy of Aja Rail and her colleagues at Pinion Global, Inc.

Jim Smith

January 16

  • Leadership Montana

  • L&C Library Teen Advisory Board

January 23

  • School Administrators of Montana - Rob Watson

  • MT School Insurance Alliance - John Doran

January 30

  • SMA, Slate, Mosaic Architects

February 6

  • C-PACE - Commercial Property-Assessed Capital Enhancements

  • MBAC - Montana Business Assistance Connection

February 13

  • Small Biz Panel

    • Callie Aschim

    • Dave Simkins

    • Lasso the Moon

February 20

  • Air quality

    • USDA Forest Service

    • DPHHS

February 27

  • Montana Club

  • Aspen Adult Services

Announcement period is from 7:00 to 7:15.

Please limit announcements and comments to 2 minutes.

Hometown Helena - Thursday, January 9th, 7 a.m. @ Helena College & Live via ZOOM hosted by Pinion:

  • Ben Kuiper, Helena Citizens Council

  • Julia Gustafson, Chair of the Parking Advisory Commission

  • Alysia Ryan, Executive Director of the Business Improvement District (BID)

  • Online Meeting Instructions: Please keep your phone or microphone muted during the meeting and note that your camera may be on depending on your ZOOM settings. Please "raise your hand" at the start of the meeting if you will have an opening update or introduction.

  • In-Person Announcements: Please plan on approaching the front of the room to make announcements directly to our host so online attendees can hear. There is time at the beginning of the meeting for announcements. Please limit announcements and comments to 2 minutes.

  • View Program Recording: Hometown Helena is recorded and posted at HometownHelena.news, typically within a day.

  • Hometown Email List: This private email list is not shared. You can join or update your email information at HometownHelena.news or by clicking the button below.

The Hometown Helena Team is Jim Smith, Rick Hays, Kelly Cresswell, Emily McVey, Tom McGree, Peter Strauss, Ann Waickman, Haley McKnight and Matt Elsaesser

