March 3rd with Leadership Montana Class of 2022

Hometown Helena -- Thursday,  March 3rd, 7 a.m. with Leadership Montana 

Live via ZOOM hosted by AZ Technology Services:

HomeTown Helena Chat March 3, 2022

Anderson ZurMuehlen Technology Services a division of Anderson ZurMuehlen 
is pleased to host today's HomeTown Helena

Mary Ann Dunwell: Thank you Anderson ZurMuehlen

Andy Shirtliff: Welcome Class of 2022!

Andy Shirtliff: Alum of the Leadership of Montana Class of 2017

Emily McVey - United Way: Go like the United Way of the Lewis and Clark Area Facebook and/or Instagram. In mid-March we will be posting the 10 ten Kids Art drawings on our social media for community voting. Kids Art promotes volunteerism, giving back and being a good community member to 3-5th graders in the Helena area.

Emily Yost: I am heading out for an early meeting — thank you Hometown Helena for inviting us as guests! (Leadership Montana Class of 2022)

Tom McGree: Good morning all, Chantel, can you speak to the diversity of the classes in terms of geography, background, and experience? We’ve seen electricians from Helena, farmers from Conrad, economic developers from Savage. What does this year look like?

Andy Shirtliff LMT 2017: Listen. Learn. Lead.

Andy Shirtliff LMT 2017:

Rhonda: How about the podcast for those that love listening to podcasts?

Andy Shirtliff LMT 2017:

Rhonda: Thanks Andy!

Jeff Buscher: Chantel - what size, how many are in your cohorts?

Jeff Buscher: Yes - “Dare to Lead” is a remarkable curriculum / resource for our communities!

dave ashley: A young man and friend of mine participated in Leadership Montana. Very busy young man, two kids, business, two job family, etc. it was a stretch for he and his wife…a sacrifice. But the rewards of the program far outweighed the sacrifices. Thanks to LM and the young people participating, Dave Ashley

Rhonda: Thanks Jim and the Hometown Helena group for keeping it going for us!

Mary Ann Dunwell: Thank you Leadership Montana!