Hometown Helena February 2: New Director of The Archie Bray and Managing Director of Grandstreet

Hometown Helena -- Thursday, February 2, 7 a.m.  @ The Montana Club & Live via ZOOM hosted by Pinion Global:

Message from out host:

 February 2, 2023

Greetings Everyone,

   Happy Groundhog Day!  I hope someone can check their TV before coming to the Montana Club this Thursday and give us a report from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.  According to legend, if the groundhog, Punxsatawney Phil, sees his shadow on a clear morning he’ll go back into his den and winter will continue for another six weeks.  If, however, it’s a cloudy day and Phil does not see his shadow, it indicates an early spring.  The ceremony will take place at daybreak in Punxsutawney, as it has every February 2nd since 1886, on a little mound called Gobbler’s Knob.  The Groundhog Club Inner Circle tends to Phil all year long, and on Feb. 2 they rouse him from his den, sit him atop a tree stump on Gobbler’s Knob from where he whispers his verdict to the President of the Inner Circle—who is the sole person that understands ‘groundhogese’— and who then relays the message to the assembled locals and thousands of others watching around the country. After the ceremony the people in town celebrate.  What a curious custom.  I've read that it originated with the German and Dutch immigrants, who settled that part of Pennsylvania.  
    I thought this little piece of Americana might be fun, since we’re having our Hometown Helena meeting on Groundhog Day this year.  Although, it’s pretty well a given that we will have another six weeks of winter here in the northern Rockies.  We’re hoping it doesn’t go on for another three or four months, actually.
    We’ve got a great morning coming your way this week (see below).  We are so very fortunate in Helena.  Grand Street Theater and the Archie Bray Foundation are wonderful organizations that continue to improve the quality of life we enjoy here in the Queen City of the Rockies.  I’ll leave it at that for now.  You’ll hear more from those who know.  So please join us this Thursday, either in person or on the zoom, to meet the newly appointed directors of these two fine Helena nonprofit organizations.

Jim Smith