Hometown Helena, February 23, 2023: Carroll College Drama and Hope Center Ministries

Hometown Helena -- Thursday, February 23, 7 a.m.  @ The Montana Club & Live via ZOOM hosted by Pinion Global:

Message from our host Jim Smith:

February 23, 2023

Greetings Everyone,
We might be done with winter, but winter is not done with us. Temperature dropping. Snow falling. Roads are snow packed and icy. Great Divide getting lots of snow. Same for Mac Pass. Skiers happy. All in all, another great day in Montana.  Please be careful if you are out driving—or walking.  Do not fall!  

We have some very interesting programs coming up the next few weeks at Hometown Helena (see below).  We’ll kick off this week with a scene from Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare, performed by the students at the Carroll College Drama Department.  Twelfth Night will be performed on the Carroll campus, March 2-11, 2023.  We are all invited!  We’ll follow up with an update from the good people at Hope Center Ministries.  Located in northern Jefferson county, Hope Center is a substance abuse recovery program for women.  Some of us may recall that the folks from Hope Center came to Hometown a few years back to announce the opening of their program.  It will be great to hear from them again; to hear about the progress they have made; and the progress they are making.

We began zooming Hometown Helena nearly three years ago. I think it will be three years in June.  As the pandemic deepened, a few people started asking: will Hometown Helena be continued?  Fortunately for Helena, a few folks from Anderson-ZurMuehlen Technology Services (Ali Mandell, Robert Culpon, Aja Rail) stepped up and offered to host our meetings using their Zoom account.  They made the rough road smooth for Hometown.  Things change, however.  A-Z Technology Services was recently acquired by Pinion Global, The nation’s leading Food & Ag consulting and accounting firm. We’re happy to say that Pinion Global has continued to allow Hometown Helena to use their Zoom.  Many, many thanks to Pinion Global! We wanted to make it possible for folks with young children to zoom into Hometown while they are making breakfast & packing lunches before school.  Also, for people who don’t like driving the icy streets in the dark. On any given Thursday we’ll have 25-30 people at the Montana Club, and another 25-30 people who zoom in. Things have worked out pretty darn well!! 

As you can see, we have some fine guests and some excellent presentations arranged for you in the next month or so.  Sure look forward to seeing you this Thursday—and every Thursday—on the 6th floor of the Montana Club, or on the Zoom.

Jim Smith