Hometown Helena October 27: St. Peter's Health and PureView
- Wade Johnson, CEO, St. Peter's Health
- Jill Steeley, CEO, PureView Health Center
- VIEW TODAY's Recording:
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Message from out host Jim Smith:
October 25, 2022
Greetings everyone. The good news this week is that the Executive branch (Governor Gianforte) and the state's largest public employees’ unions, the Montana Federation of Public Employees (MFPE) and the Association of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) have reached an agreement on the pay plan for state workers for the 2025 biennium. That bodes well for Helena, and the local economy. The business of Helena is government. It is the seat and headquarters of Montana state government.
According to news reports, the agreement includes an increase of $1.50 per hour, or 4%, whichever is greater, for all state workers. Wage increases the last two or three biennia have been much less than that. The tentative agreement will help those workers at the lower end of the pay plan the most.
Last I knew there were approximately 5000 state employees in the Helena area. Like many of you, I’ve worked with individuals from nearly all of the executive agencies in state government. In my experience, these are dedicated, hard working professionals who take their jobs very seriously, and who feel deeply the call to public service they have chosen. It’s been a tough couple of years for everyone, including state workers. However, with a strong economy and a budget surplus ('grain in the bin’), it’s very promising to see the state’s commitment to its workforce expressed in the tentative pay plan agreement.
Rep. Llew Jones (HD 18, Conrad) who chaired the House Appropriations Committee last session correctly pointed out that ANY proposal introduced in the Montana Legislature faces an uncertain outcome, and a long and winding road through the legislative process. Nevertheless, he seemed favorably disposed to the tentative agreement reached when reached for comment recently.
Meanwhile, we have another good program lined up for this week’s Hometown Helena (see below). Please plan to join us in person at the Montana Club this Thursday morning. Or, zoom into the meeting from your own home. Either way, hope to see you Thursday morning.
Jim Smith