Hometown Helena Thursday, August 10th: YWCA Helena


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Hometown Helena this Thursday, August 10th: YWCA Helena

August 8, 2023

Greetings Everyone,

Are these the ‘Dog Days of Summer? Now that the community wide celebrations, festivals, concerts, rodeos, camping trips, BBQs, vacations and other assorted parties are about over it’s time to look ahead to autumn, the start of school, and the return to the routines of our lives. There is nothing quite like summer in Montana, and we’ve had a good one this year. 

I don’t think anyone has been busier this summer than Matt Elsaesser and the team at 406 Recycling. They have provided recycling services at events all over this part of the state: Symphony Under the Stars, Red Ants Pants, several events in Big Sky to name a few. One of these weeks, maybe Matt can fill us in on the amount of waste 406 Recycling has handled the last few months. I think we’d be amazed. 

These 'Dog Days’ have created some kind of writer’s block in me as well. I simply do not have a lot to say this week. We have Jen Gurskey, Executive Director of the Helena YWCA, joining us this week. It’s always great to hear from Jen, and to learn more about the good work being done at the YWCA. Sure appreciate these people.

We have some very interesting programs lined up for the Fall. More about that in the weeks to come. 

Meanwhile, hope to see you Thursday. Either in person on the 6th floor of the Montana Club, or via the miracle of zoom (Thanks again to Aja Rail and Pinion Global).

Jim Smith


Mark W. Weber talks to members of Hometown Helena on Aug. 3 about the possibility of buying the St. John's building at 25 S. Ewing St. Courtesy of Phil Drake, Independent Record

Hometown Helena - Thursday, August 10th, 7 a.m. @ The Montana Club & Live via ZOOM hosted by Pinion:

  • Jen Gurskey, Executive Director of YWCA Helena

  • Online Meeting Instructions: Please keep your phone or microphone muted during the meeting and note that your camera may be on depending on your ZOOM settings. Please "raise your hand" at the start of the meeting if you will have an opening update or introduction.

  • In-Person Announcements: Please plan on approaching the front of the room to make announcements directly to our host so online attendees can hear. There is time at the beginning of the meeting for announcements.

  • View Program Recording: Hometown Helena is recorded and posted at HometownHelena.news, typically within a day.

  • Hometown Email List: This private email list is not shared. You can join or update your email information at HometownHelena.news or by clicking the button below.

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The Hometown Helena Team is Jim Smith, Rick Hays, Kelly Cresswell, Emily McVey, Emily Frazier, Ali Mandell, Tom McGree, Peter Strauss, Haley McKnight and Matt Elsaesser
